On the outside, I appear to have it all together, when in fact, I am a minor mess. I have decided to reprogram myself and scrub my hard drive clean. I wish to reconnect with myself by sharing with the world my experiences and displaying how one can be thrown into sometimes unpleasant behaviors—such as depression, narcissism, Type A personality, control issues, and infidelity—all as developing coping mechanisms over time. I want to delve deep inside, constructing words into stories while exhibiting a life of pragmatic events to explain measurements of success, struggles, and, most of all, how I got here.
ISBN 13 (SOFT): 978-1-7960-6350-9
ISBN 13 (HARD): 978-1-7960-6351-6
ISBN 13 (eBook): 978-1-7960-6349-3
In relation to the Reprogrammable book, Dr. Schodroski was featured in the Season Two episode titled Overkill of the Netflix original "I Am A Killer."
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